It's Friday. Was stuck in a horrible jam this morning - thanks to Penang's finest road systems (from 2 lanes to 3 lanes to 3.5 lanes back to 2 lanes again. And then there has to be a lorry or truck stalled on the left most lane and further reduces it to ONE lane... excellent. Truly Penang's Finest!).
Over on Light and Easy, there was this lady (Christine, I think) who wrote-in to trigger a discussion on whether to issue a supplementary credit card to her 14-year old son! Then, there was one caller who called in and (almost shouted) "That's a Joke!!!"
Well, I had to agree with him - it is truly a joke. What would a 14 year old kiddo do with a credit card? Buy Pokemon trading cards? Buy curry mee at the school tuckshop?
To begin with, how much credit limit should we give the little fella? RM50? RM200? RM500? My goodness! The guy further questioned, "What's next? Getting married at 14??" Good one, dude.
Christine further mentioned that her son's matured and his friends are having it. Gosh, since when has Malaysians fallen into this extreme Kiasu-ism? What if Christine's son's friend brings a condom in his wallet - will she go out and get her one as well? It's a question of whether he is ready for it or capable of handling it...
Okay, let's look at this more diplomatically:
1. Why does he need a credit card? Can't he just live with the daily allowance that he is given everyday?
2. Having a credit card will increase the security level of the kid - people might just do anything to the kid just to get the credit card. "Anything..."
3. If he simply uses the credit card - what will the parents do? Punish him? But, hey, THEY are the ones that gave it to him in the first place!
I agree with the guy caller - He should get his credit card when he starts to earn a living and when he is more responsible and stable not when he is still in Secondary School and living out of Daddy's pocket...
What this world is coming to... demanding children and irrational parents.
Everyting is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Anyway, on a different note, here are some pictures taken while we were at Pompei, Italy. :)
Pompei: Interesting stone carving
Streets of Pompei
The newer Pompeiboon out...