Monday, April 02, 2007

boon's log 1407.02 [supplementary A]: About vacuum cleaners and Babes... (yes, there is a connection)

Ok. Here's a mythbuster@home entry. I'm not sure about you all, but I've received stories about how the sound of a vacuum cleaner can calm a crying baby. At first I thought it was probably because the mom did a load of house work during her pregnancy - one which included the chore of vacuuming - which may have startled the babe even before she/he was born. Anyway, I've actually seen one that totally stops crying and lies flat on her belly when the vacuum was flipped on. Amazing, but true.

And so, I went ahead and did some research on vacuums and babies and here is what I came up with...

How to soothe a crying baby?

So, there you have it. A vacuum cleaner or a hair dryer would doo the trick.

Or if you have a big lung, a long and constant "SHHHhh!" would also do the trick of calming a non-stop crying baby.

And for parents who are in the car, traveling with your newborn and cannot seem to get him/her to stop crying, flipping on the radio and tuning into static would also do the same trick. We've tried this on AB and it works (!!!). During long hauls, when she cries and it's not really time for her to eat, a gentle "shush" to the ears while hugging her (or tuning into Static.FM) would actually calm her down and most of the times, put her back to sleep.

Amazing? Well, believe it...

boon out...


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