Thursday, April 23, 2009

boon's log 1709.05: Honda Row

Things people do (to either get noticed or to get accepted). Some of the people at work may know or notice this. I find it somewhat hilarious, and to a certain extend ask the question, is it worth it?

There is this particular area in the parking lot at the place where I work, where you will normally find a number of Honda-vehicles parked in a straight line - CRVs, Citys, Civics, Accords. Almost the same cars / drivers try to park there every day, making it look like a Honda-designated parking lots - the Honda Row.

That's not all of it.

In order to ensure that the "Honda Row legacy" lives on from day to day, the Honda drivers actually arrive slightly earlier to work and intentionally park at the "Honda Row", even though there are tons of empty lots that are nearer to the office building. (you can refer to the roughly drawn diagram below)...

Honda Row

A= Honda Row
B= closest empty slot to the office building
Between A & B = empty spaces

Now, I can understand if you are doing this in the US - where the weather is friendlier for the drivers to intentionally park a little further, and then take a short stroll from where they park their car to the office building - it may be because they need that short exercise or perhaps they are just lazy to remember where they park their car.

But in Penang? Where it rains almost every other day? I mean, we are not talking some sissy drizzle type of rain, right?... but bucket-pouring, gates-of-heaven-opening, God-must-be-angry, cats-and-dogs-and-flying-cows type of rain - where using an umbrella merely keeps the top of your head dry.

Now, imagine you are teleported to another place - say for example Tesco, Penang - do you think these same dudes would park 200meters away from the Tesco automated glass doors? Ha! Most probably not (!!!) You will probably find them idling their cars nearest (<90meters) to the glass doors WAITING or HOPING for a car to leave and then take that spot. And Tesco Penang has an indoor car park (!!!).

Somedays, some folks would try to break the "tradition" by intentionally parking their Kancils and their Kenaris there - yeah, the Kancils and Kenaris did the same thing too. Came sligthly earlier to work and skipped all the empty spaces in between and parked at the Honda Row... haha...

Things people do... the Honda row.

boon out...

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