Sunday, April 19, 2009

boon's log 1709.01: Insecurities

So many examples of insecurities that are plaguing our society (actually, our leaders) these days. Here are a few analogy that I managed to dig out (well, it does not take much effort, really. Just read the papers...)

1. You host a special function, but you only invite certain friends who only always talk GOOD about you (though they may very well be lying). You do not invite your honest friends who tell the TRUTH about you and your character (it may be not-so-good comments about you or your function, but it is the truth). It's possible because you cannot handle the truth, you fear that others may know about the truth...

2. If you are my friend and you want to say anything about me, there are only certain number of words that you can use - there are certain "BANned" words that you are not allowed to use. If you do, I will hunt you down. You also cannot link my name with certain people's names - especially people that I said that I do not know them (though I may have known them before, but I now, no longer know them). So stop putting my name and their names in the same sentence. If you do, I will again hunt you down. You are afraid that the more people know, the more they will find out about your secrets and the skeletons that are in your closet.

3. Imagine back in high school, if your Class friends are poorly represented in a competition (Let's say, "A Spelling Bee contest"), you dare not help your friend out by representing them because you are not confident at all in winning the contest, you decided not representing them at all - to save you from embarassment.

4. Imagine you are playing marbles with your brothers. And suddenly, your brother seemed to be having the upper hand of winning the game. But you are scared of losing and you quickly went to your Daddy and tried to use unpopular tactics to get your Daddy-o to announce that you won the game, don't have to play anymore and just declare you as the Winner, by order of the King of the House, the Daddy.

If you exhibit any of the above characteristics, then you may be suffering from SIN (Severe INsecurity) Syndrom and may need professional help. You should also abstain from leading any particular group or political party. We cannot run into the risk of having self-centered and insecure politicians leading a country.

boon out...

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