Thursday, May 20, 2004

boon's log 2404.05
Friends: Series Finale

Finally, after 10 years with Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Phoebe and Joey providing us with much laughter (and tears), about the lives of 6 closely knitted friends surviving in the big city of New York, the curtains for FRIENDS has finally drawn to a close. I managed to catch the series finale on DVD over here, as I do not think that the local tele or the satellite will air it so soon. IL managed to get it from Circuit City the day after the official date of the broadcast.

Well, for those Friends fans out there who hasn't watched it, I shall not spill too much on the story, but perhaps just to share a little bit on the actors/actresses themselves. During the entire 45minutes, you can actually sense a whole lot tension/sadness throughout, may have been contributed by actors/actresses realizing the fact that they may not be working on the same set anymore. Or perhaps it is just me...

All in all, it is a good mixture of bittersweet moments and also funny moments throughout the entire episode. At some points, you might just find yourself sniffing and your eyes may just become slightly damped. ;)

For those who follow the series, I guess the ultimate question for the series finale is, "Will Rachel and Ross end up together?"

Well, it is time now to get the entire 10-season DVD set (currently until Season 7) and then re-run the entire thing again (and again... and again...and again...). Well, it's time to move on...

boon out...


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