Monday, October 06, 2003

boon's log 4103.02
Killer Plant
Saw this cool billboard while I was driving pass the University of Science, Malaysia (USM). It is a parody of a famous Cigarette company advertisement, with the silhouette of two cool hunks in cowboy clothing mounted on their mighty stallions, riding into the fiery sunset. But the punchline is very much different from the tagline of the cigarette ad - by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.

Cool advertisement, huh? Well, look closely...

Tobacco kills?

I have blown up the image of the billboard for better visibility at the top right hand corner of the image. If you look closer, you will notice the words, "Tembakau Membunuh". I find it kind of funny, cause when translated, it means, "Tobacco Kills". The last I checked, this was what's in the Webster's...

Main Entry: tobacco
Pronunciation: t&-'ba-(")kO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -cos
Date: circa 1565
1 : any of a genus (Nicotiana) of chiefly American plants of the nightshade family with viscid foliage and tubular flowers; especially : a tall erect annual tropical American herb (N. tabacum) cultivated for its leaves

Picture of a Tobacco...

Tobacco Plant

So, tobacco kills? Hmm... it is like saying Cow kills or Pig kills (due to excessive consumption of Beef or Pork can lead to high cholesterol levels which can lead to death)

boon out...