Wednesday, September 03, 2003

boon's log 3603.04
Had a long, relaxing weekend last week, a slightly extended one from the National Day celebration weekend (31st August). Tioman was fantastic. Was snorkeling most of the time. Weather was fantabulous - no rain until the very last moment before we left the island! You can see the awesome weather from the pictures below. Very much like a red lobster right now, especially the back portion. It's so bad that I almost wanted to hang a sign on the back that says "Touch my back and I will slap you!" Anyway, it is better now compared to Tuesday or even yesterday. I had to sleep faced down for two nights... some say that sleeping face down is good for the heart...

Anyways, here are some of the photos from the Tioman...

Took this boat for snorkeling... (yeah... sure!)

A boat floating in mid-air?

Ahhh.... paradise...

A supermarket trolley in Tioman?

Owing to the great sunshine, you can see the clarity of the clear sea water and it helps very much during snorkeling as well. Hope to get some of the underwater photos in here later...

Left on Saturday with an extra pinch of fish food for my fishes, praying really hard that they will survive the long weekend without food - no one to feed 'em while I was away. Upon returning yesterday to my condo, true enough, by the grace of God - the fishes are still very much alive and kicking (or swimming!). Fish-count still maintains! Will upload more Tioman photos later...

All in all, a short and tiring, but great weekend...

boon out...