Tuesday, November 28, 2006

boon's log 4907.03: A week of Countdowns...

It's truly a week of Countdowns and waiting and testing-of-patience. Here's why...

It's our 40th week of IL's pregnancy and according to the OB/GYN, "It's anytime now...". Yeah, it's ANYTIME now. The forecasted due date is this weekend. And in today's practice, the doctors try to avoid post-term delivery for fears/issues such as reduced amniotic fluid or feces within the womb. Actually, anytime after the 36th week, delivery of the baby (providing the weight is sufficient) is safe and can be done.

Also at this point of time, anxieties kicks in and from what I read, some couples (or moms) actually fall into depression - whether it is the right thing to do to give birth to the baby or was it a good idea to get pregnant at all, in the first place. Just those blasted hormones having a field day. No, IL and I are not in that state. However, we are anxious about the entire episode and having the OB/GYN say, "It's anytime now" really does not help in that sense. :|

But being in the Faith, does gives us room and space to fall back on God for assurance and peace that He Who began the good work will see to it's completion (Philippians 1:6). He Who provided IL and I with this marvelous miracle, will provide us the means and resources to bring this kiddo into the world and bring the kiddo up in the way that He would have wanted it...

Bags are all packed and ready to go... *humming to the tune of that Armageddon Song*

wait-a-minute... what the?!

Anyways, the time needed from home to hospital is ~25 minutes without traffic, +10 with traffic. Doctors and nurses are all prep-ed to receive IL. Really looking forward to the addition to the family and I bet our immediate families are too. We've been getting SMS-es and phone calls asking whether the babe's out yet. The rest of the babe-equipments are also all setup, cot/playpen, swing, bottle-sterilizer, bla bla bla... Camera batteries all charged up memory cards emptied. All ready and counting down to the final moment. Tick Tock Tick Tock....

Well, the other countdown, is the next biggest thing that is going to explode in Penang - yup, we're talking about Queensbay Mall. Everybody's talking about it to some certain extent. How 4000 carparks is not enough to house the tens of thousands that is going to hoard that place this opening weekend. Some even joked that the reclaimed land may not be able to hold and that entire piece of land may just sink!

Whatever, it is, I guess I won't be able to be there to notice it - at least for the next 2-3 weeks. Well, it's a mall long awaited and long overdued. I'm just glad that it's finally opening and hope that it will sustain - at least it will take the heat off Gurney Plaza a little.

I managed to snap this shot while caught in a jam along the Coastal Highway. Cause of the jam? Policemen doing roadblocks for the past few days from morning all the way through lunch time, in light of the microchip heist that happened recently. Many doubt that this roadblock will bear any fruit (other than Policemen discovering some cars have expired roadtaxes or cars with broken lamps, etc...)

boon out...


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